Mind/Body Health
Is a unique practice through my own discovery into the art of awareness that led me into opening areas in the body that needed the extra care unblocking and releasing trapped emotions that were hidden in the body to be released. I call it the 5 step opener. This process is used with a few other techniques that I have incorporated into my practice. I have heard from many of my clients that they had stuff from childhood traumas come up to be released not realizing that they had been holding on to , and felt a freeing feeling within there body. Others have reported having more confidence and awareness, feeling love for themselves, and just being present more. This is a great gift to give to yourself.
Note: For a consultation please contact me for pricing as it varies on what the clients needs are. I look forward to working with you and getting started on a beautiful journey to your own unique individual healing. I am so excited to be a facilitator to your process.