Awaken inner Lotus

My Goal
My goal is to bring awareness to the areas of your life that you couldn’t see before, bringing out your awesome qualities and gifts that you came here with to use for your highest and best good. In knowing Astrology it has helped me realize to not judge another person for the way they are. I’ve come to inner stand why a person is the way they are. It’s really not personal when you are aware of it. Astrology has definitely changed my way of connecting with people I don’t understand.
About Me
Ive always been interested in health and healing since I was very young, which in time sparked my interest into the Astrological field which led me into learning about myself through Astrology in doing so.
What I discovered was astounding. My life changed drastically in a positive direction. This led me into wanting to help others discover their own potential. In addition I am a Reiki Practioner which is a modality facilitating healing in your own body through energy.